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A Community that Honors Local Character

Heritage Place is an age-targeted community development with plans for 245 carriage homes on approximately 60 acres and the preservation of 50+ acres in and around the site. The proposed development will maintain the scenic, rural character of the community while supporting West Rockhill Township’s comprehensive plan.


Heritage Place will create housing that better serves the local population. The thoughtfully designed homes are an attractive opportunity for residents looking to downsize in the community where they’ve planted roots.


Each home will feature ample living space and a main bedroom on the first floor, and include total exterior maintenance. The proposed community will also alleviate traffic congestion and improve road safety for the township and prioritize the extension of public stormwater management infrastructure, a benefit to surrounding homes that currently have failing septic systems.

Welcome to Heritage Place

Heritage Place is an age-targeted community development with plans for 245 carriage homes on approximately 60 acres and the preservation of 50+ acres in and around the site. The proposed development will maintain the scenic, rural character of the community while supporting West Rockhill Township’s comprehensive plan.


Heritage Place will create housing that better serves the local population. The thoughtfully designed homes are an attractive opportunity for residents looking to downsize in the community where they’ve planted roots.


Each home will feature ample living space and a main bedroom on the first floor, and include total exterior maintenance. The proposed community will also alleviate traffic congestion and improve road safety for the township and prioritize the extension of public stormwater management infrastructure, a benefit to surrounding homes that currently have failing septic systems.

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Housing Tailored to Community's Needs

The new homes will create a senior-friendly neighborhood that incorporates safety and comfort throughout each property.

Community Benefits

Benefits for the Community

Housing Tailored to Community’s Needs

Provides the township with housing that upholds West Rockhill’s distinguishing qualities and better fits the lifestyle of the township’s aging population.


Preserves Land​

Protects 50+ acres from future development and meets all environmental preservation requirements to uphold West Rockhill's serene, family-friendly setting. The proposed deed-restricted land includes more than 40 acres across from the site on Forrest Road that would be preserved to maintain West Rockhill’s rural character and support the township's goal to preserve 30% of its land as open space or other protected lands.


Upgrades Stormwater Management Infrastructure

Prioritizes the extension of public water and sewer systems to ensure a safe, adequate supply of water; control flooding; and reduce pollution through the proper treatment and disposal of wastewater. The development will provide nearby homes with access to public water and sewer, assisting several homeowners who currently have failing septic systems. When development prompts the extension of public sewer systems, the Bucks County Health Department strongly recommends individuals consider public sewers in areas wherever small lot sizes are present with poorly or somewhat poorly drained soils. Additionally, the upgrades provided by the development will provide fire service access to public water.


Improves Traffic & Road Safety 

In collaboration with PennDOT and township engineers, the development reconfigures the Ridge Road and Lawn Avenue intersection by widening the juncture and adding dedicated turn lanes. Traffic studies show these steps will mitigate traffic volume and congestion on these heavily traveled roadways.


Boosts Tax Revenue & Supports Local Economy

Generates $294,585 in new net tax revenues for West Rockhill Township and $816,097 for the Pennridge School District. This is the amount after costs associated with educating any new students created by the community. The development will also yield additional opportunities for economic growth that subsequently benefit all residents and local businesses, and generate additional funds for Pennridge School District.


Serves Township’s Planning Goals

Meets several of the West Rockhill's development goals by maintaining the township's rural character, enhancing water management and sewer systems, and diversifying housing choices. Heritage Place meets those objectives and more.


Location of Heritage Place

Support for Heritage Place

Support West Rockhill’s Future. The proposed Heritage Place dovetails with the township's collective vision to safeguard the community’s unique identity and create high-quality services and facilities that meet the varied needs of its diverse population. 

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Benefits of Heritage Place

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Resources for Heritage Place

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HeritagePlace_Community and Neighbor Mee

© This site was created for and by Select Properties & the Friends of Heritage Place 2023

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